All organs and all functions of the body are under the control of the central nervous system (CNS). Internal cleanliness depends on efficient drainage of waste materials. Under normal circumstances, efficient and prompt drainage of body wastes is maintained by ample amounts of nerve energy. When nerve energy is dissipated by imbalance in the above-mentioned systems - the body becomes enervated and therefore functional weakness. If this condition continues resulting in more accumulation of toxins, it may be termed chronic.
How do you achieve a balance!!
1. Food - simple food, less instructions, less energy required. Example - mono fruit.
2. Exercise - more circulation of blood, lymphatic system assisted in it's toxin elimination. Less energy required.
3. Mind - no stress is less nerve energy required.
4. Sunlight - assists body in synthesis of various hormones for body function. Less sunlight is strain on body resulting more energy.
All the above actions are controlled by CNS, more usage is more energy dissipation.