I was reading an article and came across a beautiful reasoning of illness. The logic is what Nature Care teaches us.

All illness, symptoms and diseases are an intelligent manifestation of the super fine machinery called our body. They can never be corrected or cured by chemicals (medication) because it will only aggravate the root cause or functioning of our body.

The only cure is to change the input to this factory called body. The more we eat quality (Natural whole food) food there are more chances of faster recovery. This is so simple to understand. All those bad food cravings, bad habits and love for processed food is actually slow poisoning and suicidal.

The study in the article was about type 2 diabetes. It takes a normal body about 10-15 years of very bad lifestyle for type 2 diabetes to manifest. This sounds so logical because now parents with an average age of 40 years having teenage children are diabetic and their children are obese. Diabetes in such children is only a few months away to manifest.

So it's not about change of lifestyle of diabetic parents alone but the change must be for the whole family. Burgers, pizzas, momos, chips and cheese are not the sign of high standard of living but sign of one's inflated ego which has manifested due to the bad days in our childhood.

We still have time to correct it or we will be the generation who will be visiting hospitals daily to look upon our parents in old age and also our sick children.

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